anchor chain, marine anchor chain, gear chain, gearless chain-尊龙凯时网址

the basic anchors include determining the position, descending the anchor, laying the range, setting the hooks, and assessing where the vessel is over. the ship will seek its fully protected position; there is a suitable ground for it, enough depth at low tide and enough space to allow the boat to sway.     the position of the drop anchor should be from the downwind or pull down current, whether it is strong close. as the selected point approaches, the ship should stop and even begin to float back. the anchor should be fast, but lowered under control until it is at the bottom. the ship should continue to float back and the cable should be turned to control so it will be straight.     once the required range is laid out, the ship should be lightly forced backwards, usually using an auxiliary motor, but it is possible to pass the support sail. one hand on the anchor line can telegraph a series of twitches and bumps, indicating anchor drag, or smooth tension indicating digging. as the anchor begins to excavate and resist backward force, the engine can be throttled to prepare for deeper set. if the anchor continues to drag, or if the setting has been dragged too far, it should be retrieved and moved back to the desired location (or other location selection).       the best rope for warp is nylon is strong and flexible. polyester (polyester) is stronger, but has less bending. the two ropes sink, so that processes such as scaling can be avoided in crowded anchorages and do not absorb large amounts of water. whether it is quickly decomposed in the sun. polypropylene or polyethylene is not suitable for warp because they float and are much weaker than nylon than natural fibers, only slightly stronger. they penetrated in the sun.     natural fibers, such as manila hemp or third world countries still in use, but absorb a lot of water, relatively weak and rot. they provide good grip and are often very cheap. all anchors should have a chain at least equal to the length of the ship. some captains like the safety of the entire chain of twisted coral waters. the boat is usually less than 8 meters and usually uses a 6 mm galvanized chain. the 8-14m process uses a 9mm chain and a 14mm chain using more than 14m. the chain should be chained through the steel eye to the warp or spliced using the chain of the splicing chain. the shackle pin should be securely connected. or galvanized steel or stainless steel is suitable for the eyes and binding. the ratio of water to water depth under mild conditions should be 4:1. under harsh conditions it should be these two times with extra length giving people a more stretch to resist the anchor burst. this means that a 5 meter boat should carry at least 50 meters 8 mm warp. 10 mm warp 5-8 m process 75-100 m. 8-14m should be the same length of 100-125m and 16m but 12mm warp of 16mm warp,
